Home hero base

Spaces that work

Home hero lamps
Home hero person and sofa

We help shape the future of your business

More productivity?
More concentrated or undisturbed work?
Creating more club spirit?

We link your need or goal to the available space and advise how to achieve this goal using colour, shape and furniture.

I want advice on my space

An interior that comes alive

We give your company a facelift and bring it to life in your interior. We create an environment that stimulates daily productivity of your colleagues.

Dream with us

@KOT: interior design for student housing

Since 2023, Drisag has also focused on the housing market. It all started with a request to furnish containers for a humanitarian project. This soon blossomed into furnishings for student housing and is now expanding to furnishing expat housing and second homes.

Discover why Drisag is the ideal partner


Our sustainability mission

No empty promises.

As a Belgian family company, we are happy to push for a more sustainable business. We implement this at all levels of our business, from our circular revolution to reducing our CO2 emissions by keeping all production in Belgium to reuse and re-upholstery.

We always think further and guarantee the most sustainable choice.

Read all about our sustainable choices here

Optimise your workspace with our ergonomic design

By integrating ergonomic solutions in the workplace, you prevent sick leave or even permanent disability. Exercise and variety is the secret to healthy work.


Be inspired by our latest realisations

"Your project following up is really top notch! We see Drisag as a reliable office furniture manufacturer and furnisher. We are very satisfied with the collaboration in all aspects."

Dave Wagemans / CEO, De Backer Haarden

With your surroundings, you tell a story and you decide how your story goes

Is your head starting to sputter when reading the above? Every business has its own story and is different. That's why you can turn to our business developers and interior designers for targeted, tailor-made advice.

We are closed from July 8 until July 21. Closed 8/07 - 21/07