Poly lounge met schrijfblad, loungestoel


Poly lounge met schrijfblad, loungestoel

Cookie policy

1. What parties are there?

In this Cookie Policy ("Cookie Policy"), the following definitions apply:

"Drisag" means Drisag nv, having its registered office at Diamantstraat 4, 2200 Herentals, Belgium, registered under company number BE 0407.866.588

"User", "you" or "you" means any natural person (B2C) or legal entity (B2B) that is or will be in a relationship of any kind with Drisag via its online platform.

"Law": art. 129 Electronic Communications Act, as amended by W 2012-07-10/04, art. 90, 017; (entry into force : 04-08-2012) (URL).

2. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text and number file that we store in your browser or on your computer's hard drive. This allows us to remember your preferences when using our Website.

We use so-called functional cookies, which make the use of the Website better for you as a visitor. And non-functional cookies for collecting statistics from our visitors, in order to improve our website for the future.

Unless you have adjusted your browser settings so that it will refuse cookies, our system will place cookies as soon as you visit our Website.

3. Information on our use of Cookies

Our Website uses cookies and similar technologies to distinguish your user preferences from those of other users of our Website. This helps us to provide you with a better user experience when you visit our Website and also allows us to optimise our Website.

However, cookies and similar technologies do not allow us to systematically collect data that could identify users of our Website. They only help us improve the operation of our Website, understand what our users' interests are and measure how effective our Website's content is.

As a result of recent legislative changes, all websites targeting certain parts of the European Union are required to ask your permission to use or store cookies and similar technologies on your computers or mobile devices. This cookie policy gives you clear and comprehensive information about the cookies we use and their purpose.

Please read our Privacy Policy to learn about the privacy rules applicable to the Website.

For further information about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at welcome@drisag.be.

For further information on how to delete or block cookies, please visit the following website: http://www.aboutcookies.org.

4. What cookies do we use on drisag.be?

Below you can find an overview of functional and non-functional cookies, which are used on our website.

A. Third-party cookies

Drisag uses third parties to measure and display the results on the website. Below is an overview of those third-party cookies.

Google Analytics cookies


Purpose: tracking statistics. Tracking how the User visits the website, for the purpose of improving services and online portals. Privacy policy of Google.
Retention time: 2 years


Purpose: tracking statistics. Tracking how the User visits the website, for the purpose of improving our services and online portals. Privacy policy of Google.
Retention time: 10 minutes.

Purpose: this cookie is used to distinguish users.
Retention time: 1 day.

Hotjar cookie

Purpose: this session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample used to generate funnels


Purpose: this cookie is used to recognise a computer when a user visits the website. It does not contain any user information

Purpose: DoubleClick test cookie is used to check whether your browser accepts cookies.
Retention time: 1 day

LinkedIn cookie

Purpose: this cookie is used as a unique identifier for the user to generate statistics for LinkedIn ads.
Retention time: 6 months


Purpose: this cookie is used to generate statistics for LinkedIn ads related to the user.
Retention time: 6 months.

Purpose: this cookie is used to recognise the user's language for LinkedIn ads


Purpose: this cookie is used to track a Browser ID related to the user.
Retention time: 1 year


Purpose: this cookie is used for routing.
Retention time: 1 day

Facebook cookie


Purpose: this cookie is used for advertising purposes to keep nocrypted a Facebook ID & Browser ID.
Retention time: 3 months

B. Our cookies

Purpose: this cookie is used to recognise a computer when a user visits the website. It does not contain any user information

Purpose: this cookie is used to prevent notifications related to the use of cookies from being displayed.
Retention time: 1 month

5. How can I manage my cookies?

Make sure cookies are enabled in your browser. To enable cookies, perform the following actions

For browser - Microsoft Internet Explore

  • In Internet Explorer, click on "Internet options" in the "Tools" menu.
  • On the "Privacy" tab, move the settings slider to "low" or "accept all cookies" (setting above "medium" disables cookies).
  • Click on "OK".

For browser - Mozilla Firefox

  • Click "Firefox" in the top-left corner of your browser, then click "Options".
  • On the "Privacy" tab , make sure the "Let websites know I don't want to be tracked" is unchecked.
  • Click "OK".

For browser - Google Chrome

  • Click "Tools" at the top of your browser window and choose "Options".
  • Click on the "Under the Hood" tab, find the "Privacy" section and select the "Content settings" button.
  • Now select "Allow local data to be set".

For browser - Safari

  • Go to "Preferences".
  • Click "Security", then uncheck the option that says "Block third-party cookies and advertising cookies".
  • Click "Save".

For questions regarding this cookie policy or Drisag's privacy policy, please contact Drisag at any time.

We are closed from July 8 until July 21. Closed 8/07 - 21/07