houten vergadertafel met stoelen


Inspiring meetings

houten vergadertafel met stoelen


Tomo TO12

bureauruimte met ergonomische bureaustoel en zithoek

Industry sofa



Kana, a luxurious conference table perfect for any brainstorming session, meeting or as a workplace. Kana has a robust look balanced with many refined details. Depending on the length, width and shape (rectangular or oval), you can seat a maximum of 12 people.

Table tops Powdercoated steel
3D tekening van vergaderzaal
bureauruimte met open kastruimte
showroom lobby ontvangstruimte inkom

Some realizations with Kana

onvangstruimte ingang wachtruimte soft seating wachtmeubilair

A homely and warm interior at Inimco

Refresh an existing office building to a homey and warm atmosphere. That was the goal of Inimco. Read below how we transformed this office interior into a cozy and functional workplace.

zit/sta major vergadertafel met Multibull stoelen van Koen Vanmechelen

A minimalist interior

EBN-Tech in Lokeren transformed a run-down showroom of stoves into an office with style. They wanted to create a flexible and functional working environment with attention to privacy and acoustics. Th...

witte zit-sta bureau met groene stoelen

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